Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR)
Frequency :Half-Yearly
Online ISSN :2582-2306
Published By :Imperial Publications
Frequency :Half-Yearly
Online ISSN :2582-2306
Published By :Imperial Publications
Posts have a very significant influence on the operational performance of Facebook Pages. Operators of Facebook Pages also focus on how to release posts that catch the attention of their fans. In past studies, no benchmarks were introduced as to how to calculate the popularity of posts. Therefore, with this study, a total of 125,302 posts are collected from Facebook Pages that fall in the four categories, namely figures, brands, media, and others applying the big data concept. After that, sequentially the categorical analysis for Stage 1, k-means clustering for Stage 2, and logistic regression analysis for Stage 3 are performed in order to establish benchmark models for the popularity of posts. The study has rendered a total of ten benchmark models with high and medium popularities, espectively, for figures, brands, media, others, and the general category (for which no categorization is done). It has also been found during the study that for Facebook Pages that are categorized as figures and others, their major operation strategy shall be to secure a high number of likes while for brands, the focus shall be on increasing the number of shares. In addition, among the different categories, comments do not contribute significantly to turning post highly
Human Resource Management (HRM) professionals are unique in their job content and the job context. Not like other professionals, they have to work with lives; not with files or systems. However, their role is not clearly defined yet in the extant literature continuing the debate on whether they are specialists or generalists. Hence, bridging that lacuna, the current study critiques the argument of HRM specialists vs. HRM generalists. A narrative content analysis of relevant literature was conducted. Citation analysis and thematic analysis were performed to explore the specific themes being researched in the context. Building on the results of the content analysis, current critique concludes that HRM professionals should be 'specialized generalists' in any industry. To be specialized generalists they have to root in HRM first, and then should diversify their capabilities into other relevant areas of people management.
Employees are the major resources of any organization. Each organizations needs well prepared representatives to perform the exercises viably and effectively. It is the constant prepare of the organizations that make a difference to create abilities, information and capacities. Transfer of learning from administration advancement programs has been portrayed as the compelling and proceeding application back at work of the information and aptitudes picked up on those programs. It may be an exceptionally vital issue for organizations nowadays, given the huge amounts of undertaking in these programs and the little amounts of that undertaking that really interprets into a moved forward person and organizational execution. The purpose of the study is to discover out the transfer of learning and its influence on employees' job performance. Employees are aware of training; employees are motivated by training; and training results in greater performance, according to the study. The study concluded that in order to increase performance, training facilitators should be dynamically followed and made mandatory, and employers should provide required training programmes for all employees. The study observed larger part of the respondents' agreed transfer of learning has positive impact on work performance. The study decided that there is need for continuous training and learning transfer is a major influence on employees' job performances.
The Corona virus has wreaked havoc on global markets. It has had a negative impact and resulted in a significant drop in crude oil demand around the world. This is one of the major reasons for the world's oil prices plummeting by more than 50% in 2 weeks during the pandemic's outbreak. China, the United States, and India are the world's largest oil importers. The focus of this research is to understand the six months pre and post COVID impact on the crude oil prices and study their risk and return analysis using tools like Average return, Standard deviation
The world crippled due to Corona outbreak, and everything came to standstill. The implementation of lockdown and social distancing completely paralyzed the global activities. Entire education system all over the world, shifted from traditional face to face learning to online teaching-learning method as a panacea during the time of crisis. “We are in this together - We will get through this together “was the positive thought of every teacher and student, when the suspension of in-campus activities and transmission to online education was declared in all educational institution in almost all countries, as part of the curfew measures taken to curb the Covid -19 Pandemic.This paper makes an attempt to identify holistic picture of whether transition to online teaching was successful, highlighting the pros and cons of online teaching during Covid-19 through the perceptions of teachers of Mangalore. The paper employs both quantitative and qualitative approach. An online survey was conducted. The findings from the study suggest that, though pandemic utterly disrupted an education system, the pros-online teaching, being the only option for continuation of academic activities was whole-heartedly adopted by dedicated teachers and it overweighed the cons, especially in current global scenario. Though overnight shift to online teaching was not easy and face to face with virtual blended interaction was preferred the most.