Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR)
Frequency :Half-Yearly
Online ISSN :2582-2306
Published By :Imperial Publications
Issue Name :Volume 1 Issue No 1 - January - June 2019
Achieving the perfect work-life balance among businesswomen in Businesswomen in Bahrain
Open Access
Habeeb Ur Rahiman,Dr. Rashmi Kodikal,
Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR),,Volume 1 ,Issue No 1 - January - June 2019,01-12
Women have achieved great success in penetrating all fields at the social level, businesses, innovations and industries and have been able to compete with men in achieving the top positions in various sectors while maintaining her position as a mother and housewife. (Clark, 2013) Moreover, achieving a balance between work and home management is one of the challenges women face today. The work life balance is really difficult to be managed, especially in the presence of infants who need special care with a lack of cooperation from many employers, a large number of studies conducted on woman's samples from the Middle East and related to the balance between work and home indicated that 37% of employers support working women to achieve balance between work and home, indicating that 63% of employers have no desire to cooperate with working women's, thus increasing the difficulties and challenges of achieving balance between work and home life. (Friedman & Greenhaus, 2014).
The Impact of Atmospherics on Service Quality: A Study on The Hotel Industry in Mangalore
Open Access
Mrs. Reema Agnes - Frank Asst Prof, Dept of Business Admn,Mr. Melvin Dsouza - Assistant Professor,
Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR),,Volume 1 ,Issue No 1 - January - June 2019,13-20
Hotel industry acts as an important part of the service sector, plays a role of a home away from home for its customers. Hence every service organization especially hotels assess the service quality in order to find the significant difference between the service perception and expectation to know the level of customer satisfaction. This paper tries to throw light on the impact of atmospherics on service quality where by the organizations will be able to analyse their loopholes in order to improve the service quality and utmost satisfaction.
A Theoretical Framework Exploring the Relationship between CSR and Brand Equity
Open Access
Soofi Anwar,Nishi Joy,
Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR),,Volume 1 ,Issue No 1 - January - June 2019,21-30
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the moral obligation of a firm to serve the society beyond meeting its economic and legal goals and responsibilities. An ideal firm should integrate these responsibilities into their ethical code of conduct and serve the public through their products/services. Instead of using it as a mere marketing technique it should be seen as part of their culture and a necessity for sustainable development in the market. There are different dimensions of CSR which are aimed at the stakeholders of the organization namely community, customers, environment, corporate governance and suppliers. The benefits of CSR are many and goes beyond mere financial gains. CSR initiatives can be employed by a firm to develop and enhance the brand value or brand equity (BE) of a firm. In this particular paper the three dimensions of community, customers and environment are chosen to determine the impact of CSR on Brand Equity (BE).Using different theories like Brand asset evaluator, Aaker and Keller model etc. these benefits of CSR on BE is explained. A theoretical framework is proposed. The model can be used to empirically verify which dimension of CSR has the most impact on the components of BE by firms through
administering questionnaires to their consumers. Using the results, each firm can customize and strategically adopt CSR initiatives that will resonate positively with their existing customers as well as capture potential consumers and build a positive image in the public.
Integration of Financial Markets - Global Crisis and Its Contagious Effect
Open Access
Dr.Vijaya Kumar - Dean Academics,Ms. Swapna Shetty J - Assistant Professor,
Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR),,Volume 1 ,Issue No 1 - January - June 2019,31-39
Global production, marketing, human resource and finance functions are no longer restricted to national boundaries. Consequently, financial markets are closely integrated across the globe that has benefitted both corporate and investors of transnational boundaries. However, the integration of global financial market is like a double edged sword that has offered enough avenues for both fund seeking corporates and investors. On the other hand, it has carried evil effects in its underbelly the financial crisis like Subprime crisis of developed West. Global financial crisis in the recent past (2008-2011) that has occurred in U.S carried the ripple effect on India too. Furthermore, financial crises occurred in the last two decades – to name a few - Argentina and Mexican currency crises, financial crisis of PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain), South East Asian currency crisis were more pronounced on the contagious effect on the global trade and investment. The intent of this paper is to analyse the causes behind such crises, their effects on trade and investments and the lessons learnt for the future policy measures to be adopted by nations round the globe and International Financial Institutions.
A Study on Enhancing Employability Skills among the Youth Engaged in Higher Education Institutions in India
Open Access
Dr. Ashalatha,Kanthesh Shetty,K Rakshith Bhat,Lavita Reshma Castelino,Pangala Vaishali Nayak,
Journal of Applied Management and Advanced Research (JAMAR),,Volume 1 ,Issue No 1 - January - June 2019,40-54
This paper is about the topic – “enhancing employability skills among youth”. It provides a brief outlook on the topic of employability, skills required for enhancement, Government initiatives taken etc. Firstly, an introduction on the topic is given, where the key words such as Higher Education, Growth, Employability skills and various initiatives taken have been addressed, continued by a brief study on the Indian education system and the growth of higher education in India, with the issues concerned and the problems concerned with the growth is considered. In continuation, employability issues are concerned with, the present scenario of work environment in India is seen, including the worker population ratio and the male-female work ratio in the current work environment. Considering all the above points, the various initiatives taken by the Government and the start-up programmes initiated are contemplated. The process concerned with such initiatives and the success rate of such initiatives are reviewed. In conclusion, considering all the points covered above, the required suggestions are mentioned.